Month: February 2025

  • Introductions

    This is our first time meeting, but hopefully not the last. I am Antedios, but I go by other names as well. There is nothing interesting about the “person” that I am, therefore, this is an anonymous blog.

    By blog, I mean this is a website where I’ll gather various forms of written content provided solely by myself. These include, but are not limited to, articles, essays (political, philosophical and personal) short stories and if I am feeling generous, badly written poetry.

    If you are interested, the please do read my Statements and Mission. In summary, for those of you who aren’t interested in reading it: I am unwilling to compromise the literary voice, and therefore, I vow to never use AI for any literary means. I’ll explain this in essays later on.

    But choosing to not use AI, (Artificial Intelligence), is less personal and more of a philosophical take. But of course, it becomes it. This also means that some of my writing maybe be less efficient, but I sacrifice that for keeping my voice mine. Alienation from the work you produce is one of the reasons the non-creative careers have been losing meaning for the workers, now slowly, its prodding its way into the creative sphere.

    Ah, now that I try, I could never summarise neither personal statements or the mission I am on in this space. I can only say one thing: and although my time is limited, I wish to show the world something other than plain boredom, monotony and escapism.

    Disagree with me, show hatred for me, despise my opinions and despise my voice. I wish for people to use their own voice, honesty, painful honesty, beautiful honesty – is it too much to wish for authenticity?

    Ha, ha, ha! It always feels strange being serious – is it not natural to be afraid when you’re speaking from the heart? Is it because I fear someone will trample on it, hurt it? No, I am afraid someone will say it isn’t my true heart and that I’ve been deceiving everyone and being disingenuous.

    Thank you for reading this. You’ll come with time, I know that. Time’s all it takes.

    Look forward to: (for free, of course.)

    1. Essays & Articles, don’t trust me on it, read them and make a decision if you like my methods around wisdom and prose. I said it already! Hate me! Love me! Be honest, at the very least.
    2. Short stories & Poetry, I am foremost an author, which I will soon go into, but I am an amateur within these fields. But in the most humble of ways, you wouldn’t be disappointed.
    3. Book/Literary Reviews, writing essays and reviews on different books is something I’ll do often. People can always leave book recommendations in the comments, or contact me.
    4. Self-help, though Ethos is lacking, I am willing to offer unique self-help insight from another perspective. Those who seek help don’t afford the privilege to deny any. Pascal’s wager, or, no. I could give you some really bad advice. Then… blame capitalism or something!
    5. Then, also included: Miscellaneous, Amateur Journalism, Pure Philosophy, Discussions, Arguments, Debates, Rants, et cetera. And that’s it for the unpaid content.

    To look forward to (for a little price.)

    I want to make it clear, every single written thing on this website will be free. But it is also the start to my literary career. Fiction is my forte. So the below will be the things others will, in the future, be able to buy in paper-back. Also, this should be a given, but copyright, don’t steal! “Thou shalt not steal.”

    1. Novels & Other Fiction, I have hitherto written under different pseudonyms, and that will not change. That means that some of the novels I write won’t ever be marketed on this site. But I assure you, these will be enough.
    2. Philosophical Collections, these are lesser and will be released in the future in the form of collected volumes. Different from the essays I will write on this site.
    3. Collections, the best of the best of the short stories… et cetera, will be published in collections as well. (This doesn’t mean the work on here is shabby.)

    That’ll be it for now. Hope I don’t came across as prideful, I really am quite humble, (Said the not so very humble man.) I will enjoy this, and hopefully begin my career with it.

    If you are here in the beginning, the site looks like… just read this and save it in the back of your mind.


    W. Antedios