
Reading time: 30 minutes

Overview: The twelve statements or pillars that lay the groundwork for upcoming essay collections, and serve as the base understanding for all written work.

Comment: If anyone reads this before it is completed, i.e when the essays are still being written, please refrain from doing so, or, at the very least, keep it to yourself.

Do not interpret this as a manifesto. If anything, it is a fractured summary of one. Unfinished and unapologetic, a small culmination of modern-day thinking. This serves as an introduction to and other-wise sudden comeuppance. So, these are brief statements, either philosophical or political by nature. They are not substantiated simply by mentioning, and will be the core subject of many, many essays to come. This too, then serves as an introduction and summary for essays that will be able to be bought, and some free-to-read. I won’t argue if they should be bought or not, that is your decision.

As I said: Many of these will be thoroughly explained in long essays in the future. As of now they are without proof, they are introductions to me as a thinker. As they are incomplete, they are to be taken lightly, but still, they are mine. This too is only a taste of what I have to offer, perhaps only a tenth of the central opinions, but those that I believe will bring interest to possible readers. But please, do not take these opinions as the whole truth. They are mere summaries of written word, some reaching lengths of 200 pages.

I must make a statement here: This is much more laying the groundwork to gaining audience, rather than revealing my full intent. The novels and essay collections will be everything. But to have these eleven pillars of statements, I am able to build a sense of connection. It is also for those less analytical to understand parts, very small parts, of my fiction. This is not to dissuade understanding my literature, rather an insight into parts of this personas political and philosophical belief.

Some of these are juvenile, yet need to be substantiated. This is my mission.

This is a collection of shorter essays dedicated to the statements of this site, the core beliefs both political and philosophical. I call this statements, but I could also call this views. It is also “vows” to what I will, and will not do.

This may get long, so skip ahead to those parts concerning you, or your own core beliefs. So that we do not clash for any particular reason. But even if we disagree, I believe it is integral that we expand our own views–seeing from the opposite side may even grant you the ability to dismantle it. But please, do not see opinion as something so malleable and superficial, even if it is. A lot of philosophy is rather about personal choice, and commitment, rather than natural events.


The first pillar: Nothing Human

The great choice of the twenty-first century: whether AI is a messiah, or a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Is it the tide, that we must change along with it? Must all creators obey the new innovation if they do not wish to be left behind? I am strictly against that notion.

There comes a time, a time which was never spoken of before, when we must question what makes a human human? Firmly, we must take a stance whether or not creativity can be random, and if that choice is yes, then humans cease to be human. Or, at the very least, all things capable of creativity are as human as us. This is a terrifying aspect of the twenty-first century. In a conscious way, we are making a choice to make ourselves, nothing human.

I am firmly against the use of AI within art, writing, fiction, education, innovation. For it is a conscious choice to remove our humanity from existence, even if our humanity is nothing more than a figment of our imaginations, we must make a conscious choice to regain it. This is a battle for authenticity.

Read more… (Will be available in the future…)

Cliff Palace, Colorado

The second pillar: Against Nihilism

Nihilism, (i.e the belief that life has no inherent purpose) is prevalent in the twenty-first century due to many causes, including the alienation of creation, the dissatisfaction of existence, a society without God–Quote Nietzsche here–and a society that capitalises on the lack of purpose, which then ties into what a lack of purpose can be used for in monetary gain.

The life without purpose is an absurd dilemma, to without question or flaw state that life has no meaning has been known as the ultimate state of depression for all time, slowly it is beginning to become the norm, especially in secularised countries. Outside of these countries, it shows itself as a lack of fulfilment, accomplishment, and never-ending struggle for becoming. Outside of their own life, people are aspiring to have it all.

Here we are presented with to imperative issues in the modern world, one a society that deems itself meaningless, and the other, one that finds itself insufficient, and thus wishes to escape from that reality, and a economy and economical platform which has monetised this and profited greatly. Thus, this is a critique towards the capitalistic tendency to profit of things, and in so doing prolonging the problem itself.

Rarely we find one without the other, in secularisation the belief that man himself can act out as God is as prevalent as the next. This is then acted out on in the belief that life is insufficient, and their sorrows are drowned in the blossoming fruits of capitalism. Nihilism and escapism plague our world more than we would like to admit. The second pillar is then as follows: Against Nihilism to reignite the spirit of humanity, that he not be needed to struggle either against his own purpose, or be found in an endless struggle trying to fulfil it.

Read more… (Will be available in the future…)

Black and white photography close up of a flower.

The third pillar: Sheer Christianity

To the Spanish: Interpret it as: “Before God.” Not as arrogance, but as humility. If the reader is an atheist, this is not a “go away!” but an invitation. Although I am a firm believer in Christ, philosophically I am inclined to believe in his necessity rather than the faith to his belief. In the shortest way possible, without being all too confusing: without the morality of Good and Evil presented with the sinlessness of Christ and existence of God, the possibility for something “human” as presented in the first pillar is mere fiction, therefore, if we retrace it back to the beginning, then to have the first, we must accept the latter, thus the necessity of Christ.

Christendom is an integral part of both my fiction and non-fiction, and understanding of it is crucial. This pillar is as essential to my writing as the prose itself, I state it best this way, there is no passion without purpose. The martyrdom of Christ, the immense impact of his Cruxifixction, the implication of it – the uniqueness of this aspect of Christ and the intended God-head – A unified theory of Mythology and an understanding of Sin and Morality, and many, many more things become the third pillar: Sheer Christianity, for it is necessity, and bounds beyond what lays the groundwork for our philosophical existence.

Read more in… (Will be available in the future…)

Cliff Palace, Colorado

The fourth pillar: Flawed Education

“What society needs, is not what it gets!”

The education system is flawed, the aspiration to create workers

The modern-day school system has many priorities for verifying the usage of the person in the system, namely, merit by score, and, a generalised merit system, and a strict schedule. There is a schematic for the merit of the student, which all students must fulfil for the student to be accepted.

I say that the modern system of education is flawed, and creates and perpetuates many of the systems, especially, regarding the first pillar, whereas the system is based on “inhuman” merits, the students will then be persuaded to use such means in order to perfect their studies. The reason behind the increased usage of AI to pass tests, written essays and exams, and cheating both in the past and continued in the future isn’t because of AI, and isn’t because of the decresing integrity and pride of the students, but because of the system itself forcing the students to do this. Were is the joy in that system?

Generalised merit systems create the demand for merit givers, and if that merit is widely available, it will only make it easier, not remove it.

Education, in the way it is now, is created to serve the modern and generalised standard, which is that, the majority of the people are going to live by two standards: their value is based on merit by following standard, and being on time. Thus all the school-systems are based on deadlines, memorisation, and following strict orders. The ones that are benefiting of this system are the ones that follow the system strictly, those who excel in memorisation, or are able to follow orders excellently. As long as his will isn’t anywhere else, the genius excels because of his memory, until his memorisation is not sufficient, then he is…

What is the reason for genius? What is the reason for education? What should be the reason for education?

Modern education is flawed simply because it creates the problem they themselves believe something else is causing, whilst creating and perpetuating a growing caste-system, which belittles the genius, and serves his counterpart, who willingly follows. The modern system of education is not only a perpetrator within the first pillar, but also the second, whereas the further alienation is portrayed within objective and reward.

How is the modern education perpetuating nihilism?

The merit that decides what course a life will take, the vague description of genius is reduced to the value of memorisation, and as modern systems only value one form of abstract thinking, mathematics, which then becomes…

The system is then too concerned with the fifth pillar, whereas people are becoming increasingly more alienated and then, perpetual incompetence is born. The school also offers a taste of false democracy. There are axioms within school, borders and rules, these things that cannot be changed, a genius’ future will be determined because he follows his passion, instead of being determined by the passion itself.

Black and white photography close up of a flower.

The fifth pillar:

Modern politics, nonsense. Idiocracy,

Perpetual incompetence created by the wishes of others, the falseties of democracy.

Cliff Palace, Colorado

The sixth pillar: Zarathustra’s Devil

Many years ago, survival posed an issue to the concurrent man – then only the aristocracy were spared the right to become thinkers, philosophers, and thus, sophistication and genius was the way of the world. The lower classes were prone to surviving, the upper classes were the thinkers. But, as people began to be allowed the right to think – not only aristocracy, the common man ceased to question survival in the same way they did, instead purpose and philosophy became a thing of the present. Man asked himself of evil, of morality, of existence, of purpose, of desires… And thus, the common man became a thinker. A role usually kept only to the church for the common man. He rebelled against this with Atheism, with Absurdism, with Existentialism.

Dostoevsky said through Ivan that a world without God has no laws, and one can do anything. This state of world, I rightfully call anarchy is the eight pillar, however, the proposed solution to this qualm was Nietzsches Existentialism, which is by the sixth pillar (this one) flawed. This is due to many reasons – but I’ll say it simply, as the second and third pillar states, with nihilism and Christianity as necessity, combined with Kierkegaard’s idea of Despair – For as man is conscious, and as he gazes into the infinite, he either finds despair, or his way back unto God. In other words, Existentialism is flawed due to the necessity of God, the intrinsic nature of infinity, the state of nihilism and escapism, and lastly, the optimistic virtue of Existentialism, which states that man can find his own meaning, which is opposed to the common man’s previous way of thinking, composed that the common man has the means to create existential purpose out of the infinite without despairing. Thus, the sixth pillar is: Zarathustra’s Devil.

Read more in (Will be available in the future, both as Essay and Fiction Novel.)

Black and white photography close up of a flower.

The seventh pillar:

Intrinsically humans yearn for simplicity, but our complexity, et cetera.

When the modern society offers man meaninglessness, an empty pursuit to fulfil needs he has no purpose for, and a world where the lines between humanity and non-humanity is increasingly being blurred, the intrinsic nature of man is observed once again.

Nietzsche said that God feared man, because through science, they became alike. This is nonsense, since God already said, in our image. But the thing is, God didn’t fear it, God simply disagreed that it would be the solution, I can’t know what God meant with it, but I know that the current state of man is in perpetual suffering, there are those who live blissfully ignorant, and those who believe their hedonistic pursuits will allow them better lives.

Cliff Palace, Colorado

The eight pillar

Anarchy, Anarquism. The bad nature of man, how we are harming each other. Et cetera, et cetera.

The devaluation of women. The modern prostituation. The addiction of pornography. The mockery of Christian Values, the Values of the other religions. The rape, murder, killings, war, et cetera. People, somehow, yearn for a sort of anarchy, and this is constant, a neutral anarchy, were man is allowed to act in whatever ways, a selfish anarchy, where I am allowed to act in wwhatever way I want, without anyone else being able to act against me. It is reward without responsibility, arrogance without humility, crime without punishment.

If Dostevsky rewrote his best-seller in the Twenty-First Century, it would have been called that, “Crime Without Punishment.”

Black and white photography close up of a flower.

The ninth pillar:

The media, Divide and Conquer. The divison of the media, what they aspire, the democracy of the people, we are more similar than we might like .

Cliff Palace, Colorado

The tenth pillar: Wittgensteins’ Antithesis

In a way, I am Heideggers Antithesis, since I believe there is an intrinstic value within nominal values, and that their value itself comes from the word, instead of the opposite. Or rather, through imbuing value with the nominal value, we have imbued the nominal with the value of value itself, and then we have value with it. Heidegger believed that all philosophy comes from the misinterpretation of nominal values, I believe philosophy exists intrinsically within the imbued value of the word itself.

Black and white photography close up of a flower.

The eleventh pillar:

Logical fulfillment by the way it couldn’t be. Thus quantum immortality, this too an explanation for creationist argument.

To exist, means to exist, if that existence were not to be, then it could not exist in the first place.

Cliff Palace, Colorado

The twelfth pillar: Against Satanism & Hedonism

Black and white photography close up of a flower.

Other statements which aren’t pillars: as a part of the idea of anarchy,

  • devils – hardened hearts, et cetera
  • the fall of the übermensch, why it didn’t work
  • the good opinion – the criteria for prophets
  • capitalism’s downfall, but also imperfection in communism
  • modern utopia, the dystopia of our time,
  • desire, and the power of consciousness
  • existence, and multi-versal thinking
  • lastly, the end times, what does all of this end up with? Stay tuned for the novels…